ORANGE Crystal collection

The Crystallize the Rainbow series continues with NEW orange crystals! 🧡 These radiant gems are perfect for boosting creativity, vitality, and joy! Click 👇🏻 to shop!


ORANGE Crystal Collection

NEW orange crystals for positivity, confidence, and creativity 🧡 Bring joy to your life with these vibrant gems! Click 👇🏻 to shop!



Shop the 🧡 ORANGE crystal collection and fill your home with crystals that promote joy, warmth and optimism! Click 👇🏻 to shop!


Magical, one of a kind wellness accessories from our family to you!

About us

How Are Whimsy Crystals Different?

We hand pick each crystal ✨

We hand pick each crystal and they come from places like Peru, Brazil, India, Mexico, Madagascar, China + more!

We build relationships with vendors ✨

We ask each seller questions about sourcing and working conditions so we know our crystals are ethically sourced 💗

We cleanse and charge our crystals ✨

My friend Chris cleanses and charges the crystals using Reiki and sound. Then they are ready to enter your home!

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